ola klimczak: Blog https://olaklimczak.zenfolio.com/blog en-us (C) ola klimczak (ola klimczak) Mon, 16 Mar 2020 07:26:00 GMT Mon, 16 Mar 2020 07:26:00 GMT https://olaklimczak.zenfolio.com/img/s/v-12/u538694048-o917738248-50.jpg ola klimczak: Blog https://olaklimczak.zenfolio.com/blog 120 90 Now https://olaklimczak.zenfolio.com/blog/2019/3/now And now I am heading off to bed after a day of hair dying, good conversation, $9.99 all you can eat crab legs, being surrounded by pups, barber time, and setting up a free Photo Booth at the Cannonball Pow Wow. I love the flow of helping kids discover the magic of photography. From 3 - late teen year olds it's about paying attention to their interest, physical ability and communication in the span of an instant to unlock creativity and team work. I was a human panning tripod for one learner, a zooming and focusing machine for another. 


I am grateful to be alive and to live day by day. Humans are curious, talented, resilient and have the capacity for great feats of focus and beauty. 


The feeling and physical presence of community surrounding me tonight was beautiful. That small town shared history creates something that have yet to find in the anonymous boundaries of city life. 

On my way home- 1. I spent 10 minutes cleaning after I bumped my bowl of gifted, coworker made waojape, spilling some  all over my gear shifting stick in the car.  2. A few minutes later half way down route 24 I pulled over into a dirt shoulder to take in the awe of the rare minimal cloud cover revealing a blanket of nuclear power houses of creativity and the subjective nature of time. I stopped and poetry spilled out of me like a fountain. I didn't bother to grab my phone to record it. I sung my gratitude to the beauty of now. 


(ola klimczak) cannon north dakota photo booth self https://olaklimczak.zenfolio.com/blog/2019/3/now Sun, 31 Mar 2019 06:33:37 GMT
The love of learning- an intellectual affair with droning https://olaklimczak.zenfolio.com/blog/2019/3/the-love-of-learning--an-intellectual-affair-with-droning I love pushing myself to do something daily, to welcome good habits and let go of ones that no longer serve me. 

Spring is literally in the air (atmosphere) and on the lunar calendar, I can feel is gliding across my skin taking the freezing winds back north from where they came. 


I have decided to walk and explore every day with my drone learning new skills. This week I focus on the programs features( follow mode, way point cinematic mode). I am picking up advanced skills while finally stumbling on other basics.... i was using a control that quickly shifted from straight down to horizontal gimbal positioning and stumped as to why it wasn't responding to my advanced setting. I realized the scroll wheel on the back left of the remote is where the magic happens. 


I am glad I did this for myself and look forward to putting myself out there to help document land, or events for those in need of footage. 

(ola klimczak) https://olaklimczak.zenfolio.com/blog/2019/3/the-love-of-learning--an-intellectual-affair-with-droning Thu, 21 Mar 2019 00:33:42 GMT
Illinois night lights https://olaklimczak.zenfolio.com/blog/2018/5/illinois-night-lights

(ola klimczak) https://olaklimczak.zenfolio.com/blog/2018/5/illinois-night-lights Wed, 30 May 2018 05:04:29 GMT
North Dakota Badlands - a 24 HR Roadtrip https://olaklimczak.zenfolio.com/blog/2018/3/north-dakota-badlands2018 Theodore Roosevelt National Park in March Theodore Roosevelt National Park in March

I have been meditating a lot on the reason for moving out to Solen ND. About the solitude, about facing my own habits and insecurities, about the freedom of less noise, less fences, less advertising, less options and more stars.   I dreamed of using this post to travel to places west of Chicago more easily. I realized working in the gardens I won't be able to leave for more than 3 days at a time in the summer so July trips to Canada or Alaska likely have to wait until I am done with the position.  


I am grateful for a landscape the provides visual theraphy even just driving to the next town , those buttes and clouds captivate my heart.  I am grateful for a park full of solitude and animals friends less than 3 hrs away from Solen. Theodore Roosevelt National Park feels like my back yard. 



(ola klimczak) hiking landscape north dakota theodoore roosevelt national park https://olaklimczak.zenfolio.com/blog/2018/3/north-dakota-badlands2018 Thu, 22 Mar 2018 01:15:00 GMT